What is 'encounter'?

This page is thanks to Jeannette Krog, Martin Lange, Sheila Haugh, Jean-Marc Randin, Gillian Proctor, Anna Spiridonos and Eva Bundgaard for their helpful description of encounter, at the World Association conference in Greece in 2024, on which the description below is based.

What is 'encounter'?

You may have head of 'encounter groups' but be unaware of what happens in them and therefore you might be curious about what this event might hold for you. We'd like to give you a brief description of what you might expect.

You might have some experience of being in a 'personal development' group as a counselling student, you might be a seasoned encounterer, or you might have no experience whatsoever. You are welcome wherever you are on the spectrum. No previous experience necessary! Encounter groups are open spaces and you are invited to join for as much or as little as you'd like over the three days that we meet.

ADPCA2025 is organised by a committee (of two!), but we're solely responsible for the creation of an event that allows for encounter, rather than being responsible for the facilitation of encounter space itself, and there is no direct facilitation of the encounter space. There's no plan or structure. We co-create our experience within the group and as a group, and anyone can be facilitative (or otherwise) at any given moment. There's no particular power or responsibility that is expected to be shouldered by any particular person by virtue of who they are perceived to be in the group, or as a result of their structural power, although we acknowledge that there are power dynamics that arise in the group. We are all contributors and all have something of worth to bring, whether that is by words or simply our presence, whether this is our first time, or our 1000th (or more...) time. We acknowledge this, and welcome everyone to join us in this unique experience that we call 'encounter'.

Encounter groups are both calm places, and also risky places; they can be unpredictable, exciting and powerful. They can be boring! 

The focus of an encounter group is around how we are together within in the group, rather than a discussion of outside events. We aim to meet each other (and ourselves) as openly and personally as possible, sharing the experiences we are having in the moment. In encountering ourselves and each other, we take risks in acknowledging and experiencing our own emotions, and expressing those in relation to what is happening in the group. We also take risks in being open and attempting to understand and be empathic to the responses of others. Encounter is about being ourselves rather than talking about ourselves. 

To encounter each other means that we will meet others who are not us, and we try to be open to the experience of this and attempt to meet each other with unconditional positive regard and empathy, whilst having an interest in both the others in the room and our own responses to what is evoked in us. We aim to meet one another, as whole human beings, rather than just presenting the aspects of ourselves that are non-confrontational.

We each come to this space with different ideas on what we wish to give to, and take from the space. To be together in our uniqueness is a key aspect of our community and is what we bring to each other and the wider community. Encounter is a unique space within today's world and brings the possibility of something unique and special.

We hope that if you join us, you are able to experience some of this for yourself.
